Structural Integration

Movement, Manual Therapy & Awareness for Postural Alignment, Balance & Flexibility aiming to change long-held patterns of posture & movement

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration - ATSI, is based on Dr. Ida Rolf's pioneering work known as Rolfing, developed by Thomas Myers to incorporate myofascial lines and connections. ATSI concentrates on doing deep, lasting and significant work, with anatomical precision, blended with movement and sensitivity to the unfolding individual experience.

Structural Integration is beneficial in a wide range of situations, ranging from improved postural alignment, easing of myofascial pain and restrictions, improved movement, achieving somato-emotional balance, better awareness and understanding of how your body moves and how it compensates in times of stress or injury. Overall, Structural Integration aims to make you feel more 'at home' in your body.

Each session includes postural assessments to determine structural and functional compensation patterns. Much of the session's work is done on a treatment table, while some work will be done seated or standing. You will participate during the sessions with active movement, which helps to regain a sense of connection to your body.

The interval between sessions can be once a week, fortnightly, or once a month. This depends on your personal goals and needs, you want to have enough time between sessions to integrate the changes from the previous sessions, but not too long so you feel you lose the momentum.

Integrating the whole system is a hallmark of Structural Integration - an approach that sets it apart from other kinds of bodywork or manual therapies. Structural Integration is a powerful instrument for positive change. To book your appointment or for more info contact Marjo.

Structural Bodywork

Structural Bodywork can be taken as an individual or a series of sessions. It can also be used as an assessment session to determine the best way forward for your specific needs. Structural Balance is a series of three, up to 90 minute, interactive sessions, including postural assessments and hands-on fascial release techniques aiming to change long-held patterns of posture and movement. Each session includes postural assessments to determine structural and functional compensation patterns. Much of the session's work is done on a treatment table, while some work will be done seated or standing. You will participate during the sessions with active movement, which helps to regain a sense of connection to your body. The 3 sessions offer a structured approach to address and release fascial holding patterns, starting from the feet - the foundation, working systematically up the body. After the 3rd session, the body as a whole connected being has been addressed. The series of 3 structural balance sessions are beneficial for those with chronic pain, struggling to recover from injuries, or for people who are looking to improve their posture. Based on Dr Ida Rolf's pioneering work, known as Rolfing, developed by Thomas Myers as Anatomy Trains. This structural body work focused on myofascial meridians brings clarity and a gentle effectiveness to structural integration. Most of the sessions are done in underwear, swimwear or similar clothing, do make sure you feel comfortable and are able to move freely.

Clinical Fascial Therapy & Scar Tissue Release

Clinical Fascial Therapy sessions for specific needs, or Fascial Flow for deep relaxation.

Scar Tissue Release can be booked as a separate treatment or as part of any Structural Bodywork sessions.

What is Structural Integration?

The design of Anatomy Trains Structural Integration (ATSI) is to unwind the strain patterns residing in your body, restoring it to its natural balance and alignment. Common strain patterns come from inefficient movement habits, and our body's response to poorly designed cars, desks, telephones etc. Individual strain patterns come from imitation when we are young, from the invasions of injury, surgery or birth, and from our body's response to traumatic episodes. Beginning as a simple gesture of response, movements can become a neuromuscular habit. The habitual movement forms your posture, and your posture requires changes in the structure - the body's connective tissue fabric. These changes pull us out of alignment and the body compensates with increased tension patterns. ATSI is designed to unwind this process and reduce structural stress.

Connective tissue (fascia) is a remarkably versatile bit of biology. It forms every supportive tissue from the fluid blood to the solid bone, and a host of sheets, straps, and slings in between. The muscular tissue moves us around, but it works through the connective tissue fascia, tendons and the ligaments at every turn, and it is the connective tissue complex that holds us in the shape we are in. When we are injured or stressed, no matter what the source, there is a neuromuscular response - usually involving some combination of contraction, retraction, immobility, and often rotation. These patterns put some muscles under strain (where they develop painful trigger points) and also pulls at this fascial fabric, requiring it to shift, thicken, glue itself to surrounding structures, and otherwise compensate for the excess sustained muscular holding.


For postural alignment, balance & flexibility. A series of three or twelve interactive sessions, including postural assessments & hands-on fascial release techniques aiming to change long-held patterns of posture & movement.

Individual session                  90mins            $140

Series of 3 sessions (up to 75mins each)   $375

Follow up session               75mins              $130

Series of 12 sessions (up to 75mins each) $1500

To book your appointment or for more info contact Marjo.